Partners and resources
Heather Dominick, Founder of the Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur Movement
A Course In Business Miracles
Heather Dominick is hosting a LIVE Teleclass on Wednesday, January 9th, 2019 at 12pm, EASTERN, where she will be sharing some important insights she sees are needed for us in 2019 now more than ever and the changes she’ll personally be making to her business as a result. Use this affiliate link to register for the free teleclass and support the Women Killing It! podcast in the process: https://energyrich.isrefer.com/go/class/sallywki
A Highly Sensitive Entrepreneur® is a person with highly sensitive abilities who has chosen to use your sensitive traits within the world of self-employment. Most likely as a highly sensitive person you’ve been given the message over time that your special qualities are not assets but hindrances. But in truth you’re coded to be extremely successful as a coach, healing practitioner or creative entrepreneur. You are what Dr. Elaine Aron, one of the primary researchers of the high sensitivity personality trait and author of the book Highly Sensitive Persons, refers to as a “royal advisor”.
The key is learning how to use your highly sensitive abilities to support you in being purposeful, profitable and empowered as an entrepreneur rather than scattered, poor and undervalued. In order to do this you must approach marketing and selling in a “new way”. This is everything Heather teaches in A Course In Business Miracles®.
Rachell Garrett
Be bold. Create a life and family you love.
Rachel Garrett is a personal and professional coach to women who are seeking leadership roles in their careers, fulfillment in their lives and balance between the two. The work she does with each client is designed to align women’s lives with their own passions, values and strengths so that they feel accomplished and confident in all domains.
Rachel comes to coaching from a career in digital and social marketing at top tier brands like American Express, Reader’s Digest, Scholastic and most recently the Visiting Nurse Service of New York. She lives in Brooklyn, New York with her husband and two dynamic daughters. You can learn more about her and her work on her site:
Rachel offers complimentary strategy sessions and coaching discounts to Women Killing It Listeners. Use promo code “womenkillingit” when filling out her contact form:
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