"When you feel like it's time to go, you should listen to your gut, developing that sense of knowing or maybe being more confident about knowing that it's time to move on instead of staying comfortable...I try to be very attuned to that."
This episode features Erin Law, Executive Director at Morgan Stanley's Compliance Division and Managing Attorney for the Global Litigation Group
In this episode, Erin talks about leading with a "yes," and then setting parameters that work for you, in order to portray yourself as a can-do person. We chat with her about career highlights, taking a career-wise sidestep, networking, working in a male-dominated environment, confidence, and how her gender has influenced her career. She also shares tips on getting credit for your ideas and delegating.
"That's an important skill, to learn how to supervise people because if you are good at that, and good at delegating tasks, and you are able to find the right people to support you, it can be of tremendous value because then you don't have to do everything by yourself."
In this episode, you'll learn:
Erin helped to start up the Morgan Stanley pro bono programme which
helps domestic abuse survivors, children and veterans.
When looking for a job Erin valued a company that understood the importance of outside interests.
Law work can be so heavily detail orientated that one can lose sight of their professional growth.
A personal highlight for Erin was having people truly listen to her in meetings.
People will assume that because you're a woman you will come with a specific set of experiences.
There is always an assumption that you’re not the breadwinner of your family.
Women over-prepare in order to feel more confident whereas men have that confidence innately.
Stay in touch with your law school friends.
People will want to help you, so don't be afraid to reach out.
If you're going into a compensation negotiation, mention that you're the breadwinner and take control
In a meeting if you have something to say, say it early so they remember you and
attribute that point to you.
Have confidence in your abilities.
Learn to delegate.
If a senior person asks you to do something and you're already over extended then lead with a yes and add caveats.
Have a good partner, some who's a real partner and is supportive.
Don't make it look so easy!